I love sucking black dick and it all goes back to an experience I had as a kid.  At the time, by best friend was Terrell.  His dad was a 5’10” ish kinda dude with a pot belly.  This was the time that I was experimenting with masturbation.  So Terrell went with his mom to the store and left me at home, which I was cool with, since I was going to “rub one out” while they were gone.

..and there I was, about a half hour later jacking my brains off when I heard a sound at the door of the bathroom, oh shit, his dad!  So I tried to push my shaft lower so he wouldn’t see what I was doing and it failed miserably, haha.  I really hadn’t jacked off to guys before.  When I was in grade school, I had a couple of friends who showed me they’re cocks, like “omg check this out”, you know, shit like that.

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